Before we use the application software, there are some steps to active it. If your application software does not fixed yet the first step is you must install it.
The way to install it. That is by putting CD application software. After doing it click Start- Run- Browse. In look in box choose drive CD ROM and to look for file setup.exe. Next, click open. The following, click ok, then install process application process mentioned.
Need to know!! in CD Microsoft Office there are application program Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Power Point, Microsoft Front Page and Microsoft Outlook. That is meaning, once you Microsoft Office installing with full package, automatic all application program it will install.
After your application program is installed, click Start- All Program after it choose icon your application program.
1> Aditya Arifianto
2> H. Candra G.
3> R. Aris Shandi
4> Sasinurani Rahayu
5> Syafira Alief Siswanto